morvern - Captain Trips
ŠOP #144 | 2021/12/17
Nova prestava in nova gigantska platka zej že legendarnega lika, muzičista in liderja morverna. Strejt from As key snjt Studios, Captain Trips z nogami na mizi pofura barko historične kitarske pristane. Domaćica par excellence!
Z besedami avtorja:
The images of where I’m from and where life has taken me are stuck in my head. The Past, present and future are all embraced.
Captain Trips is something constantly-shifting, extremely deadly, highly adaptable and ready to kill.
Rebellion, anti authority and responsibility only to oneself. A new declaration of independence. Often astounded by lack of humanity.
But when it starts to fade, the old world returns to what it was.
Sinister nature of mankind, abducting a man and burn him on a pyre, believing such a human sacrifice to their gods would grant them protection.
But there is no sacrifice that could protect us from what we have done.
“Once the prohibition on graven images extended to speaking the Name; now in this form it has itself come to look suspiciously like superstition.
This is how deeply absorbed the history of metaphysical truth has become, that vainly denies history, that is, progressive demythologization.
This however feeds on itself just as the mythical gods liked to devour their children. As it leaves nothing but the merely existent behind,
it flashes back into myth. For myth is nothing other than the closed relation of immanence, of what is. ” Adorno
Captain Trips is just Gucci Gang for people who like LSD instead of Xanax.
And to make music like that is such a freeing experience.
CAPTAIN TRIPS personnel :
Nejc Čulk – DRUMS, BACK VOCALS (Old Fashioned Guy, Night Surf, In The Dusk Of A Late Summer Evening), SYNTHESIZERS
Damjan Manevski – BACK VOCALS (Old Fashioned Guy, Night Surf), SOLO GUITAR (Old Fashioned Guy), ADDITIONAL GUITARS (The Stand)
Erik Kerpan – BACK VOCALS (Night Surf, Bad Blood)
Vasja Onič – BACK VOCALS (Night Surf)
Tit Podobnik – DIRECTOR <3
Recorded & mixed in AsKeySnjt STUDIO (Morvern’s home studio) by Jan in September & October 2021
cover & alternative art made by Luka Ivezić (Ivo)
released under one & only grandiose ŠOP Records
Many thanks to all involved, JahBless! <3
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